Tuesday 31 December 2013


The Firefly is a unique insect , because of its ability to
produce light and has a potential for tourist attractions. In Malaysia, precisely in
" Kampong Kuantan" Selangor firefly populations have been used as objects
Attraction , "Firefly Park" ( http://www.firefly-selangor-msia.com ) . In Indonesia Attraction
The Firefly ( Firefly Tour) occurring in the area Lagoi , Bintan Island, Riau Islands .
The region is known to Bintan Beach International Resort ( BBIR ) . In 2004
" Firefly Tour" in this BBIR , to attract visitors and 1,000 people each
month. A traveler must pay the $ 30 for a one -way trip . old
travel about 45 minutes by using a " speed boat " . More than 2000 species of fireflies spread in the tropics and temperata.

The largest number and highest found in Tropical Asia and
North and Central America and around 170 species found in the United States . in
Malaysia has four large groups of fireflies found spread
country that is Pteroptyx , Luciola , Colophotia and Lychnuris . In Indonesia during the
Small river flows , Lagoi district , Riau Islands found two types of fireflies .
One of these species , including Genus Pteroptyx while others have not
identified . Firefly population is increasingly reduced amount. some
The last time the fireflies is very easy to find, especially in rural areas but
now very rarely seen . For some places , according to a report from
rural population has experienced a decrease in population of fireflies are very sharp ,
but never again seen. Possible presence is
threatened due to opening of the land and forests. Firefly is the common name for insects that glowed and including to the family Lampyridae , active at night ( Nocturnal ) . Firefly also
known as the firefly , lightning bugs, glowworms . Firefly has organ and
specialized cells ( Photocytes ) capable of producing light , there is a segment
the first or the last of the abdomen. Larvae and eggs are also reported to produce
Light . Fireflies produce light through a series of processes . Adenosine
Tripospat a source of fuel for energy Bioluminescent light . Luciferin
activated by the enzyme luciferase ( Williams , 1917 ; Lloyd 1971; Sivinski , 1981;
Carlson et . al . , 1982, Underwood et al. al . , 1997, Cock and Mattthysen , 2003). Luciferin
This active then react with oxygen . As a result of this reaction is the energy in the
light of the fireflies . Overall reactions take place in the cell fotosit
( McElroy , 1951; Burger , 2005) . Meanwhile, the Trimmer (2001 ) that the chemical process
the sealing mechanism - winking fireflies light the key is in the molecular
monooksida moderate nitrogen gas (NO ), which serves as the medium of flash signal .
NO gas can berdifusi through the cell membrane because of the very small size ,
even afford to send sinya biochemical function . Systematic classification of fireflies as follows: Phylum : Animalia , Class: Hexapoda , Ordo : Coleptera , Family: Lampyridae . Identification characteristics of family
Lampyridae , elongated shape , range 4.5-20 mm long , soft body , pronotum
broad front towards the top of the head , so the head looks widened viewed from above,
points hidden when viewed from above, the last few abdominal tarsi 5-5-5 . More than 2000 species of fireflies spread in the tropics and temperata
( Burger , 2005) . There are about 170 species found in the United States ( Bongiovanni ,
, 2001) . The largest number and highest keragamannya found in Tropical Asia and
North and Central America ( Branham , 1998). Research conducted in Brazil
found a total of 26 species of fireflies . Twenty-six species , including the
Cratomorphus genus , Aspisoma . Photinus , Macrolampis , Bicellonychia ,
Pyrogaster , Photuris , Amydetes , Lamprocera and Lucidota found in eastern
district of Sao Paulo State . This species acclimatized in tropical forest area mesophilic ,
berpayau and open acreage . As pleased Photurinae berpayau habitat and
humid environment ( Viviani , 2001). In Malaysia, there are four major groups of fireflies found in the country
This Pteroptyx namely , Luciola , Colophotia and Lychnuris ( Nallakumar , 2002). in Indonesia
accuracy of the Small River , Riau Islands found two types of fireflies . one of
of species including Genus Pteroptyx while others have not
identified ( Rahayu and Siong , 2003). Adult fireflies , generally found in the same habitat
larvae. Most firefly species found in the area with moisture
high and warm as ponds, rivers , brackish , valleys , ditches and pastures. that
probably due to the humidity in the area longer than the county
surroundings. Nevertheless some species are found in a very
arid and dry. In this arid region of adults and larvae can be easily / quickly found after rain ( Branham , 1998). Adult firefly has a short life time . information about
Firefly food types is not clear. Some information says that
fireflies eat pollen and nectar and simply eat little or no
eat . In district four seasons , during the summer the fireflies will rest on
the tree or branches in a cool and moist throughout the day and will be active
at dusk to midnight ( Burger , 2005) . Fireflies produce light for several reasons , including: to
looking for partner / married, as a sign to warn of danger to
others and protect themselves from predators ( Branham , 1998; Bongiovanni , 2001). Each firefly species has a different light , which
distinguish them from communication with others . Color produced
green , yellow or orange depending on the species. Females will put about a hundred eggs or more items on the ground, the tree was based . The eggs will hatch in 2-4 weeks ( Smith and Mann , 1945 ) . most
firefly larvae are found in wood that has rotted or forest litter
or in moist areas beside streams and ponds at night. Several species of asia
live in the water ( in conjunction ditemukanya trakeal gills ) that live under water. Instar larval instar three to six Luciola substiata swim and live in the water.
The larvae swim speed of about 0.9 m / hr ( Fu et . Al. , 2005) . Larvae were karnifora , eating other insects, snails and " slug " . like it
aquatic larvae of the species Cratomorphus sp2 and sp2 Aspisoma a predator
Biomphalaria snails tenagophila and Stenophisa colummella ( Viviani , 2003). the larvae of
 4 tropical species of the genus Pyractomena bersifa arboreal , feeding on arboreal snails and
pupanya suspend below as it leaves butterfly Chrysalis ( Lloyd, 1991 ) . flyblow
will live equivalent of one or two years ( Smith and Mann , 1945 ) .

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